Congratulations to Lee Gelber from The Department of Defense!

Our esteemed colleague and inaugural Guiding Spirit award winner Lee Gelber received the following congratulations from The Department of Defense: 

Guides Association of New York city
I would like to take a moment to congratulate Lee Gelber for receiving the inaugural Guiding Spirit Award. I cannont imagine a more deserving recipient. Lee has been guiding the NYC historical tours for the Defense Institue of International Legal Studies (DIILS) for over 12 years. During that time, he has shared his knowledge and love of New York City with more than 1000 military officers from around the globe. He answers all questions, regardless of how obscure, without consulting 'Google'. Lee Gelber is New York City's very own 'Google'. 
A few of his accolades from DIILS alumni, 'He has no match'; 'A great historian of New York, a great story teller and memorable tour guide'; and very simply 'Mr. Lee is the best'. Warm congratulations Lee, for the most deserved Guiding Spirit Award, indeed the 'Dean of NYC Tours'.
Dana Scott
Resident Course Program Manager
Defense Institute of International Legal Studies"

For more information about Lee Gelber and the upcoming GANYC Apple Awards visit our website: